2024-2025 CREATE C.R.C- CREATE.U.S. Open Robotics Championships( East China Qualification)

Start: 11/22/2024

End: 11/23/2024

Location: Oriental Land,Shanghai

Address: NO.6888,Huqingping road,Qingpu District

City: shanghai

State: China

ZIP: 572699

Contact Name: Sherry.Shen

Contact Email: Click to show Email

Contact Phone: Click to show Phone

Competition Type: Tournament

Program: CREATE Jr.

Capacity: 120 Slots (120 Remaining)

Price: $0.00

Registration Deadline: 11/18/2024

Event Description:
to be pending

9:30 am - open
10:00 am - 12:00 am - Team Registration & Inspection
10:00 am - 12:00 am - Drivers and Coaches Meeting and Opening Ceremony
9:30 am - 11:30 am -Practice
12:00 am - lunch
13:30 pm - 15:50 pm - Qualifying Rounds
16:00 pm - Closed

9:00 am - open
9:30 am - 11:30 am - Qualifying Rounds
11:30 am - lunch
13:00 pm- Finals
Approximately 13:45pm Awards and closing ceremonies

Refund Policy:
to be pending

Emergency / Bad Weather:
In the event of bad weather or emergency, all parties will be notified via email and/or phone as soon as possible

Registered Teams

Registration Closed

Nobody has registered for this event.