
Cross County Drone Exhibition

Date: 11/12/2021

Location: Cross County Community School

Address: 1270 123rd Rd

City: Stromsburg

State: Nebraska

ZIP: 68666

Contact Name:

Competition Type: Scrimmage

Program: Drones

Capacity: 16 Slots (16 Remaining)

Price: $0.00

Registration Deadline: 11/13/2021

Event Description:
Come and join us for an exhibition of the CREATE Drones for 2021-2022. This is your chance to try out the game and compete while learning what all is new! We will have drones for teams to use. You will need to have at least two people to form a team and between now and then take the opportunity to try your hand at building a team-built mechanism!

Refund Policy:
No refunds

Emergency / Bad Weather:
Cancellation for Bad weather will at the discretion of the hosting venue and Event Partners.

Registered Teams

Registration Closed

Nobody has registered for this event.