Archerbots CREATE Jr. Competition

Date: 2/25/2022

Location: Adams Elementary

Address: 3420 N. 78th Street

City: Omaha

State: Nebraska

ZIP: 68134

Contact Name:

Competition Type: Tournament

Program: CREATE Jr.

Capacity: 22 Slots (-3 Remaining)

Price: $40.00

Registration Deadline: 2/9/2022

Event Description:
Please contact Karen Humphrey at, if you have any questions.

Teams will compete according to CREATE Jr. rules found here:

The doors will open at 8:00 A.M.
There will be judging, please bring your engineering notebook.
8:00 am - 9:30 am - Team Registration & Inspection

Concessions will be available.

8:00 am - 10:30am - Skills Challenge on competition fields

9:00 am - 11:00 am. - Judging (Judges will take at interview)

9:30 am - Drivers and Coaches Meeting and Opening Ceremony

9:45 am - until complete - Qualifying Rounds

Awards and closing ceremonies.

Refund Policy:
Make checks payable to Adams PTA.
In the case of the event being canceled, refunds will be issued. If your team cannot attend or if there is any other reason, refunds will be case by case.

Emergency / Bad Weather:
Please check your email. Coaches will be notified.

Registered Teams

Registration Closed

1 C605A The Miners Bellevue, NE Betz Elementary School
2 C605B Tacorama Bellevue, NE Betz Elementary School
3 C605C Geico Gang Bellevue, NE Betz Elementary School
4 C605D BRT Bellevue, NE Betz Elementary School
5 C143B Supreme Subway Spagetti Salty Sauce of Destruction Papillion, Nebraska PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park)
6 C143A Magical Llamas of Adventure Papillion, Nebraska PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park)
7 C1920A Tyche Omaha, NE Beals Elementary
8 C1920B DxD Omaha, NE Beals Elementary
9 C1485A Green Circuits Omaha, NE Saddlebrook Elementary
10 C1485B The DeTecHtives Omaha, NE Saddlebrook Elementary
11 C1485C The 3 Musketeers Omaha, NE Saddlebrook Elementary
12 C5141A Toe Mechanics Omaha, Nebraska Wilson Focus School
13 C5141B Mechanical Manatees Omaha, Nebraska Wilson Focus School
14 C5141C 4 Brain Cells Omaha, Nebraska Wilson Focus School
15 C5141D Mechanical Crocks Omaha, Nebraska Wilson Focus School
16 C4441R Smart bots Omaha , NE Adams Elementary
17 C4441O Lock and Loaders Omaha , NE Adams Elementary
18 C1252A The Cookie Crunchers Omaha, NE Spring Lake Magnet
19 C1252B The Royal Robots Omaha, NE Spring Lake Magnet
20 C1252C Snowflake Omaha, NE Spring Lake Magnet
21 C1252D Logical Licorice Omaha, NE Spring Lake Magnet
22 C3720A xxxxx Omaha, NE King Science Technology Magnet
23 C3720B Vex Wolves Omaha, NE King Science Technology Magnet
24 C3720C xxxxx Omaha, NE King Science Technology Magnet
25 C3720D Nomad Nuggys Omaha, NE King Science Technology Magnet