
Skutt Catholic High School Drone Tournament

Date: 2/18/2023

Location: Skutt Catholic High School

Address: 3131 S 156th St

City: Omaha

State: NE

ZIP: 68136

Contact Name: CREATE Foundation

Contact Email: Click to show Email

Contact Phone: Click to show Phone

Competition Type: Tournament

Program: Drones

Capacity: 30 Slots (22 Remaining)

Price: $0.00

Registration Deadline: 2/18/2023

Event Description:
Join us in a fun day of flying drones. Registration will begin noon and the competition will run until 5 pm. More details will be added as the date gets closer.

Refund Policy:
No refunds needed.

Registered Teams

Registration Closed

1 D656A Sasquatch - Crete High School Crete, NE Crete High School
2 D656B Quoll - Crete High School Crete, NE Crete High School
3 D4405A SC Vertical Robotics Omaha, Nebraska Skutt Catholic High School
4 D4405B Jerms Omaha, Nebraska Skutt Catholic High School
5 D1064A Northwind Omaha, NE Omaha North High Magnet School
6 D9999A Knights Omaha, NE Fellowship of Knights
7 D9999B Young Knights Omaha, NE Fellowship of Knights
8 D10430A Bryan High Drone Team Omaha, NE Bear Force One