
Columbus High School Open Robotics Tournament 2024

Date: 2/9/2024

Location: Columbus High School

Address: 3434 Discover Driver

City: Columbus

State: Nebraska

ZIP: 68601

Contact Name: Adam Whitmore

Contact Email: Click to show Email

Contact Phone: Click to show Phone

Competition Type: Tournament

Program: Open

Capacity: 32 Slots (3 Remaining)

Price: $40.00

Registration Deadline: 2/8/2024

Event Description:
Welcome to the Columbus High School's second annual Open Robotics tournament.
This year's rules are here:

7:50 a.m. - Pits Open

8:15 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. - Team Registration & Inspection

8:18 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. - Skills Challenge on competition fields

9:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. - Judging (Judges will take engineering notebooks at the interview)

10:45 a.m. - Drivers and Coaches Meeting and Opening Ceremony

10:49 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Qualifying Rounds

12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. - Lunch

12:46 p.m. - 3:25 p.m. - Qualifying Rounds

3:30 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. - Alliance Selection

3:50 p.m. - 4:35 p.m. - Finals

4:40 p.m. - Awards and Closing Ceremony

Refund Policy:
In the case of the event being canceled, refunds will be issued. If your team cannot attend or if there is any other reason, refunds will be case by case.

Emergency / Bad Weather:
In case of inclement weather, check this website for further updates the night before the event date. Coaches will be notified by email or phone.

Registered Teams

Registration Closed

1 O512A Pumas Norfolk, NE Norfolk Public Schools - Aftershock
2 O512B Nameless 2.0 Norfolk, NE Norfolk Public Schools - Aftershock
3 O512C The Tricksters Norfolk, NE Norfolk Public Schools - Aftershock
4 O1884K KYLE Columbus, NE Scotus Central Catholic
5 O8019B Rush-E Columbus, NE Lakeview Robotics
6 O8019C SKS Columbus, NE Lakeview Robotics
7 O8019D Viking Bot D Columbus, NE Lakeview Robotics
8 O8019E Shwongie Columbus, NE Lakeview Robotics
9 O8019T Spider Bot G1 Columbus, NE Lakeview Robotics
10 O8019Z Naa Naa 3.0 Columbus, NE Lakeview Robotics
11 O3601B High Octane Saint Paul, NE St. Paul Public School
12 O3601C Grinding Gears Saint Paul, NE St. Paul Public School
13 O3601D Twisted Metal Saint Paul, NE St. Paul Public School
14 O3601F RoboCAT Saint Paul, NE St. Paul Public School
15 O3604C Thunderstruck Central City, NE Nebraska Christian Schools
16 O3604E Millennium Eagle Central City, NE Nebraska Christian Schools
17 O3604N Fellowship of the Ring Central City, NE Nebraska Christian Schools
18 O3604R Biohazard Central City, NE Nebraska Christian Schools
19 O79600A Spaced Out Henderson, Nebraska Heartland Community Schools
20 O79600B Spaced In Henderson, Nebraska Heartland Community Schools
21 O79600C Frank Burns Eats Worms Henderson, Nebraska Heartland Community Schools
22 O42A C-Bots Assembled Columbus, Nebraska Columbus High School
23 O42B Glorified Microwave Columbus, Nebraska Columbus High School
24 O42C Schrodinger's Bots Columbus, Nebraska Columbus High School
25 O42D The Blue Cow Conglomerate Columbus, Nebraska Columbus High School
26 O42X Robert the Robot Columbus, Nebraska Columbus High School
27 O42Z Renegade Robot Columbus, Nebraska Columbus High School
28 O5155H Braeden and The James K Stromsburg, Nebraska Cross County Community School
29 O5155K 99 Problems but Winning Isn't 1 Stromsburg, Nebraska Cross County Community School