CREATE Robotics Championship City Elite(Suzhou)
Date: 12/16/2023
Location: Suzhou International Foreign Language School
Address: Northeast corner of the intersection of Zhijin Road and Yucheng Road in Xiangcheng District
City: Su Zhou
State: China
ZIP: 00000
Contact Name: Sherry.Shen
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Competition Type: Tournament
Program: CREATE Jr.
Capacity: 60 Slots (60 Remaining)
Price: $0.00
Registration Deadline: 12/10/2023
Event Description:
The CREATE Robotics Championship City Elite(Suzhou)for the CREATE.JR national Tournament held in Su Zhou,China,for the public.The winners Excellence award winner will be qualified to join the Asia competition to be held in Shanghai.
The teamwork winners will be qualified to join the 2024 CREATEU.S.Open Tournament
8:30 am - 9:00 am - Team Registration & Inspection
9:30 am - Drivers and Coaches Meeting and Opening Ceremony
9:30 am - 11:30 am - Qualifying Rounds
12:00 am - lunch
13:30 pm - 15:00 pm- Qualifying Rounds and final
Approximately 16:30pm Awards and closing ceremonies
The teamwork winners will be qualified to join the 2024 CREATEU.S.Open Tournament
8:30 am - 9:00 am - Team Registration & Inspection
9:30 am - Drivers and Coaches Meeting and Opening Ceremony
9:30 am - 11:30 am - Qualifying Rounds
12:00 am - lunch
13:30 pm - 15:00 pm- Qualifying Rounds and final
Approximately 16:30pm Awards and closing ceremonies
Emergency / Bad Weather:
In the event of bad weather or emergency, all parties will be notified via email and/or phone as soon as possible
Registered Teams
Registration Closed
Nobody has registered for this event. |