CREATE U.S. Open CREATE Jr. Worlds - Mini Me
Date: 3/20/2024
Location: Iowa West Field House
Address: 5 Arena Way
City: Council Bluffs
State: IA
ZIP: 68505
Contact Name: Support
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Competition Type: Tournament
Program: CREATE Jr.
Capacity: 20 Slots (4 Remaining)
Price: $0.00
Registration Deadline: 3/20/2024
Event Description:
Worlds CREATE Jr. Mini Tournament is designed to give teams new to CREATE Jr. a chance to get real world
experience via a one day mini tournament.
experience via a one day mini tournament.
Refund Policy:
Emergency / Bad Weather:
Registered Teams
Registration Closed
1 | C143A | Magical Llamas of Adventure | Papillion, Nebraska | PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park) |
2 | C143B | Supreme Subway Spagetti Salty Sauce of Destruction | Papillion, Nebraska | PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park) |
3 | C143C | Smart Banana Peels | Papillion, Nebraska | PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park) |
4 | C143D | Tragic Trumble Turtles | Papillion, Nebraska | PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park) |
5 | C1252A | The Cookie Crunchers | Omaha, NE | Spring Lake Magnet |
6 | C1252C | Snowflake | Omaha, NE | Spring Lake Magnet |
7 | C1252D | Logical Licorice | Omaha, NE | Spring Lake Magnet |
8 | C12602A | GreenBeans Comeback | Omaha, NE | Dundee Elementary |
9 | C12602B | The Glitches | Omaha, NE | Dundee Elementary |
10 | C12602D | Robotic Ragers | Omaha, NE | Dundee Elementary |
11 | C12602F | Rainbow Penguins | Omaha, NE | Dundee Elementary |
12 | C12602G | The Codebreakers | Omaha, NE | Dundee Elementary |
13 | C0000A | Mad Science | , | CREATE Foundation |
14 | C0000B | Brainchild Team B | , | CREATE Foundation |
15 | C0000C | Mad Science | , | CREATE Foundation |
16 | C5141B | Mechanical Manatees | Omaha, Nebraska | Wilson Focus School |