CREATE U.S. Open CREATE Jr. Worlds - Mini Me

Date: 3/20/2024

Location: Iowa West Field House

Address: 5 Arena Way

City: Council Bluffs

State: IA

ZIP: 68505

Contact Name: Support

Contact Email: Click to show Email

Contact Phone: Click to show Phone

Competition Type: Tournament

Program: CREATE Jr.

Capacity: 20 Slots (4 Remaining)

Price: $0.00

Registration Deadline: 3/20/2024

Event Description:
Worlds CREATE Jr. Mini Tournament is designed to give teams new to CREATE Jr. a chance to get real world
experience via a one day mini tournament.

Refund Policy:

Emergency / Bad Weather:

Registered Teams

Registration Closed

1 C143A Magical Llamas of Adventure Papillion, Nebraska PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park)
2 C143B Supreme Subway Spagetti Salty Sauce of Destruction Papillion, Nebraska PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park)
3 C143C Smart Banana Peels Papillion, Nebraska PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park)
4 C143D Tragic Trumble Turtles Papillion, Nebraska PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park)
5 C1252A The Cookie Crunchers Omaha, NE Spring Lake Magnet
6 C1252C Snowflake Omaha, NE Spring Lake Magnet
7 C1252D Logical Licorice Omaha, NE Spring Lake Magnet
8 C12602A GreenBeans Comeback Omaha, NE Dundee Elementary
9 C12602B The Glitches Omaha, NE Dundee Elementary
10 C12602D Robotic Ragers Omaha, NE Dundee Elementary
11 C12602F Rainbow Penguins Omaha, NE Dundee Elementary
12 C12602G The Codebreakers Omaha, NE Dundee Elementary
13 C0000A Mad Science , CREATE Foundation
14 C0000B Brainchild Team B , CREATE Foundation
15 C0000C Mad Science , CREATE Foundation
16 C5141B Mechanical Manatees Omaha, Nebraska Wilson Focus School