Harrison Create Jr. Moon Mining Tournament View Live

Qualification Ranking

Rank Number Name Organization Matches Run/Matches Scored Total Score Average Score
1 C12602B Mechanical Misfits Dundee Elementary 4/4 434 108.5
2 C2536A Lunartics Harrison Elementary School 5/4 431 107.75
3 C12602A Galactic Kittens Dundee Elementary 4/4 418 104.5
4 C2536D Cheeto Cheetahs Harrison Elementary School 4/4 402 100.5
5 C2536E Emo Mudskippers Harrison Elementary School 4/4 402 100.5
6 C2536B Soccer Bot 2000 Harrison Elementary School 4/4 390 97.5
7 C12602F Mothers of all Boards Dundee Elementary 4/4 387 96.75
8 C143C Rumsey 2 PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park) 5/4 368 92
9 C12602D Confused Contraptions Dundee Elementary 4/4 363 90.75
10 C1252E Lunar Vortex Spring Lake Magnet 4/4 356 89
11 C143A Rumsey PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park) 4/4 356 89
12 C1252C Rover Rocker Spring Lake Magnet 4/4 351 87.75
13 C143B Trumble PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park) 4/4 349 87.25
14 C12602C Dustbomb Dundee Elementary 4/4 339 84.75
15 C12602E Robogirls Dundee Elementary 4/4 329 82.25
16 C1252D The Moon Rockz Spring Lake Magnet 4/4 315 78.75
17 C2536C Aluminum Panthers Harrison Elementary School 4/4 308 77
18 C143D Trumble 2 PLCS (Rumsey Station and Trumble Park) 4/4 308 77
19 C1252A Pr0tect1ve 4-ces Spring Lake Magnet 5/4 298 74.5
20 C1687B Daily Foxes Florence Elementary 4/4 279 69.75
21 C4441O Lock and Loaders Adams Elementary 4/4 255 63.75
22 C1252B Luna Loca Spring Lake Magnet 5/4 238 59.5
23 C1687A Robotic Foxes Florence Elementary 4/4 237 59.25
24 C4441R Smart bots Adams Elementary 4/4 179 44.75